What is the ASB Case Review?
The ASB Case Review can be activated by any person if the basic threshold for a review of the case has been met. Each local authority is responsible for the Case Review process, where members of the community can request a review of their case. The local authority is then responsible for convening a case review. 

The government website provides further information about the Case Review. 

Criticisms of the ASB Case Review
One of the main criticisms of the Case Review is the lack of independent bodies around the table when agencies are brought together, with the local authority often chairing its own case. Many victims of anti-social behaviour have also criticised the process for being too informal, for avoiding opportunities for learning and failing to make recommendations to improve the case - potentially compromising the safety of victims. 

How can Frontline Resolution help?
Frontline offers an independent Case Review Service, providing a single independent advisory role. We work closely with the relevant agencies to investigate the allegations made and support agencies by independently reviewing the case. We will provide a detailed report of the case, together with any recommendations to support case progression. In many cases, agencies have supported an informal review of the case before a Case Review has even been activated. An independent but informal review of the case is a proactive way of case-management and is commonly seen as good practice. 

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